BASED IN Pilates, Yoga, Functional Fitness ACCENTS FROM Face Yoga, Self-Lymphatic Massage, Breathwork, and Meditation. I AIM to share with adventure, support, and fun

  • When your practice aligns with your life and needs, it becomes a treat and a simple gift to offer yourself.

    I believe movement supports general wellbeing and longevity and that it can also highly benefit unique health & mobility conditions, mental & nervous system wellness, and therapeutic journeys such as recovery from trauma, eating disorder, or addiction.

  • I teach clients online and in DFW, TX at The Nelson Sports Club of Las Colinas and AP Counseling & Yoga for embodied work as part of healing.

    Each program is rich with assessment, strategy, principles of movement, and a strong care network and referral system.

  • Trained at Polestar Pilates (ongoing), The Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, and Ananda Seva Mission, I’ve been immersed in this work for over 13 years and continue to love its simplicity, joy, and effectiveness.

    I’ve developed programs for fitness studios as well as formal healthcare organizations, museums, corporations, and public & private schools.

    Also a mother and artist, I cherish these roles and find lessons within them that shape my teaching.

    Motherhood has helped me understand prenatal and postnatal exercise needs on a personal level and has re-emphasized the necessity of taking care of ourselves.

    My artmaking process reflects studies in art therapy and is a nourishing ritual I appreciate as often as possible.


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